
poetry manuscript
long-listed for the Melita Hume Poetry Prize, Eyewear Publishing, U.K.
short-listed for the Prize for First Books, 1913 press, U.S.A.
forthcoming as an Editrixes Pick with 1913 press 

Other published pieces


OctoberWhat I know” published in The Prose Poem, Issue 18: Skin


October My lyric essay "§" was published by Atlas & Alice magazine.

June My article Whiteness, interpellation, and embodied technique in western classical vocal pedagogy has been published in the peer-reviewed journal Music Education Research. The article is part of a broader focus on decolonising performance, with which I am currently engaged in both my scholarly and artistic practice. 


February My PhD thesis “A Handbook of Situated Making” is available to download from the University of Huddersfield thesis repository. It was just under four years in the making and I am very proud of it. My supervisors were Ben Spatz and Philip Thomas


April Lucy Railton and I continued our text and music collaboration with the release of Subaerial, an album of improvised music that Lucy made with Kit Downes, recorded in Skáholt Cathedral, Iceland. I wrote the liner notes for the record, which can be read by purchasing the record at the link above, or over on Lucy’s Facebook page.  The liner notes, plus some of my other writing and singing and lots of Lucy’s beautiful music can be heard in the August episode of Phil Smith’s Jass Dis-Junction on NTS radio.


Excerpts from my slowly accreting new poetry manuscript were published in Two If By Sea Press’ online journal. These pieces were written while living under a library of glacial water in Stykkishólmur, Iceland. It was during this residency that I began to engage more consciously with writing as a situated, embodied practice. 

I wrote a text for "Gentle stranger, I hope this email finds you well," a collection of letters written by artists around the world, all in some way touching on the subject of care.  Curated by Sophie Mak-Schram and Alexander Norton over at Künstler Künstlerin, an artist platform based in Berlin. My offering to this project is an interspecies interlocution with a special Friend, an exploration of the muchness in our relationships with one another, and a tale of my intertwinement with a member of my own species. As well as a mishmash of much more multifarious muchness.

May I wrote a foreword exploring the idea of lament as resistance for Lucy Railton’s “Lament in Three Parts”. The album was released on Cafe Oto’s new label Takuroku and can be found here.

February  ‘æ æ / αἰ αί / ay ay: lessons in love and loss’ has been published in the fourth issue of Ós, a multilingual literary journal from Iceland. The full text can be read over at Arcturus (see below).

January An epilogue to a podcast conversation with Juliet Fraser, ahead of my performance in her series Eavesdropping. Juliet asked me an important question about the relationship between art making and womanhood. I found myself unable to answer extemporaneously, and this text is the trace of subsequent thoughts on the question, and on the difficulty of answering. Juliet kindly included this text in her excellent Survival Kit.


Erasure poem for a composition by Haukur Þór Harðarson, commissioned by Departure Duo. The piece is called Poems for the Fire and was premiered in March 2020.

August online poetry journal  8poems published A / B, a reflection on various binary modes of thought. 

July æ æ / αἰ αί / ay ay: lessons in love and loss, a text/performance piece published by the Chicago Review of Books’ online literary magazine Arcturus.

May online art & poetry journal Anti-Heroin Chic published my poem μετά τη Σαπφώ / after Sappho

Some performance work from long ago: