For for media coverage of Abundance, please see twitter or my facebook artist page.
Interview with Wizguide, Cyprus (Greek)

Abundance tour in the Cyprus Mail

Bist du bei mir, the last track on Abundance, was selected for the Fresh Faves on Tom Robinson’s Fresh on the Net for the week of May 9th 2022. Neil March wrote this week’s reviews, and the music can be heard and read about at the links below.

Neil March reviewed Bright Morning Stars are Rising for his blog Trust the Doc:

“Irthe o Kairos na Figoume” from Abundance on Ryhthm Passport’s “Daily Discovery”

The Blackest Crow on Putumayo’s New World Acoustic playlist on Spotify

Abundance praised as “one of my all-time favourite albums of 2021” by BBC Radio 3 DJ Sara Mohr-Pietsch on Night Tracks Mixtape

Short article about my track Folia de Reis from my album Abundance (Portuguese)

Accouncement of forthcoming release with UK label nonclassical (English)
Interview in Downtown Magazine of the Phileleftheros newspaper in Cyprus (Greek)

My foreword for Lucy Railton’s Lament in Three Parts was featured on BBC radio 3’s New Music Show (English)
Quad feature and interview on BBC radio 3’s Hear and Now (English)
Interview for festival Xarkis (English and Greek)
Interview with Parathyro at Politis (Greek)

Performance in Ragnar Kjartansson’s The Sky in a Room review (English)

Review of my theatre piece “Harness” with ensemble “Knot Applicable,” Pieter Rings, Theaterkrant (Dutch)